Getting Started


  • Ruby … v2.0.0 or later
  • An RDBMS supported by Sequel ORM
    • Tested by SQLite3 and developed with MySQL. Hopefully other RDBs will do.


gem install bundler
git clone
cd poloxy
bundle install

Or, you can get released revisions from Releases pages.


Configuration File

Default configuration file is config/poloxy.toml.
And this file is included in this repository as a sample.

You can change its path by POLOXY_CONFIG environment variable.

Here are configuration items:

Item Type Default Description
log.level String INFO Log level for std-lib Logger class
log.rotate String - shift_age param for Logger#new
log.file String - Path to log output file
deliver.min_interval Period 1 min Minimum interval period to deliver summarized alerts to recipients
deliver.item.merger String PerItem Method to summarize alerts. See following section.
database.connect Hash - Params to connect database. These params are passed to Sequel#connect. String localhost SMTP server address used for Mail delivery-type
smtp.port Integer 25 SMTP server port used for Mail delivery-type
message.default_expire Period 2 hour Period to expire alerts. Expired alerts are taken as “CLEAR”.
message.default_snooze Period 30 min Period to snooze alerts. See following section.
data.default_keep_period Period 2 day Default period to hold data

As for type Period, natural time expressions are supported powered by chronic_duration.
Numeric expressions like 60 are taken as seconds.

Alerts Snoozing

When an alert occurs, subsequent alerts with the same (group, name, level) are snoozed for configured message.default_snooze seconds.

Available Parameters

Some config items have alternatives which are specific to poloxy.
They are described in the table below:

Item Option Description
deliver.item.merger PerItem Summarize alert items by unique (address, type, group, name) params of them
PerGroup Summarize by unique (address, type, group) of alerts
PerAddress Summarize by unique (address, type) of alerts

As for parameters of alert items, see API description in latter section.

Database Schema

Database schema is bundled under db/migrate/ directory in the repository.
And migration task is defined in Rakefile.


rake db:migrate

Then you will get prepared with poloxy database.


  • You should prepare database.connect parameter in configuration file beforehand.
  • Run rake db:reset to destroy poloxy database.
  • Your database adapter such as mysql2 is not included in Gemfile. So bundle exec db:* will fail unless you use SQLite3.

Run “poloxy” Server

# Start Web/API

# Start Worker

Web/API server runs at port 4567 by default.

Access server on your browser and you will see poloxy dashboard.

Then, let’s go on to How to use Poloxy to send alerts to poloxy.